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APO Grantee’s Forum

Established in 2000


  • Serving as a venue for interaction and exchange of information and knowledge on best practices in productivity and quality management
  • Enhancing the professional development of APO alumni and other stakeholders as productivity specialists and practitioners
  • Promoting collaboration and partnership among APO grantees, the NPO, and local and international organizations
Organizational structure: A network managed by the APO Unit of the DAP


  • An informal, voluntary network of APO alumni
  • Former participants in APO training courses, seminars, or capacity-building projects and local experts and resource persons deputed to APO projects
  • Productivity and quality experts, practitioners, promoters, and managers who help drive the productivity movement in various sectors of the economy
Financing: Managed by the APO Unit of the DAP

Major activities:

  • Developing and maintaining APO grantees’ database and directory
  • APO Grantees’ Forum (in 2003)
  • Disseminating the APO Grantees’ Forum, a news supplement to the DAP Productivity Manager newsletter
  • Producing publications and disseminating P&Q: Emerging Productivity and Quality Issue

Declaration of Commitment to Productivity and Quality

We, the APO Grantees in the Visayas, in cooperation with the Development Academy of the Philippines believe that:

Productivity improvement is a vital tool in enhancing competitiveness and in uplifting our quality of life;

Working together is important for sustained and long-lasting productivity and quality improvement in the region;

The Development Academy of the Philippines as the National Productivity Organization can ply a significant role in enhancing the competitiveness of the Visayas region through productivity and quality and quality promotion and improvement.

We hereby agree and pledge to participate in the development efforts of the region by assisting the DAP in implementing productivity and development programs either as consultant or resource persons and by collaborating with DAP and with one another in productivity-related activities;
Signed this 8th of August 2003 on the occasion of the 1st APO Grantee’s Forum in the Visayas at the Cebu City Marriott Hotel, Philippines
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