Opportunities » Procurement Notice

Procurement Notice 

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) invites proposals for upcoming projects. Detailed RFP documents for each project, including requirements, and submission guidelines are available below.


1. Research on Raising Informal-sector Productivity
2. Development of the APO Post-2025 Vision
3. Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Indonesia
4. Development of National AI Strategy to Enhance Industry Productivity


Request for Proposal (RFP)

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Research on Raising Informal-sector Productivity

Study the effects of the informal sector on productivity in APO member economies, identify trends in and determinants of informal-sector productivity and impacts on national economies, and examine policy interventions to manage the informal sector to improve productivity growth and achieve better socioeconomic outcomes.

For more details, PN and Implementation Procedures.


Informal-sector employment shares range from over 80% in some developing APO members, including numerous women, to 26% in the ROK (ILO data). Informal-sector enterprises suffer from low economies of scale and lack of access to finance, undermining their productivity. Countries with larger informal sectors fare less well in inclusive development with lower productivity, fiscal resources, financial deepening, capital accumulation, institutional quality, empowerment of women, and social security coverage. However, informal sectors encourage entrepreneurship and digital technology use, providing secondary jobs in times of high inflation.

While the APO publication “Issues and Challenges on the Productivity Performance of the Informal Sector in Selected APO Members” (2023) provides descriptive case studies of informal sectors in developing members, the objective of this research is integrated multicountry analysis to test, measure, and provide insights on inclusive growth.

Purpose The APO will select one research institution with extensive, specialized knowledge of productivity concepts, socioeconomic development, issues relating to the informal sector at various stages of development, related data sources, current trends in APO member economies, ability to offer credible policy recommendations on managing informal-sector dynamics to boost productivity at the national level, and a track record of publications in English.
Scope of Work A report on the impact of the informal sector on productivity in APO members and reference economies with integrated multicountry data analysis; new insights into understanding causes, effects, and characteristics of informal sectors in APO members; and policy recommendations.
Proposals should include the following information

· Cover letter of interest (Annex 1)

· Basic organizational details (Annex 2)

· Profile of institution (maximum 1 A4-sized page)

· Experience in conducting research in similar areas (Annex 3)

· Financial proposal to indicate the cost of services.

· Total costs and breakdowns for conducting the research should be given only in US dollar amounts.

· All national taxes and levies applicable should be stated and included in the total costs. The APO will consider the inclusive costs as the final quoted prices when evaluating proposals.

· All rates and costs quoted in financial proposals should be written in both numeric and alphabetic forms, e.g., USD 2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars).

Download: Annexes.

Submission of Proposals

Proposals with all required information specified should only be sent via email in password-protected PDF file attachments signed by authorized representatives no later than 16:00 (Japan Standard Time), 27 September 2024 to jelvinia@apo-tokyo.org, ssetiawati@apo-tokyo.org and aohara@apo-tokyo.org.

The subject line of the email message should be: Proposal for Conducting Research on Raising Informal-sector Productivity <Institution name>.

Institution Selection Criteria and Notification of Results

· The selected institution will be awarded a research contract with the APO for conducting the research, based on the following selection criteria:

· Methodology of research

· Prior experience in conducting similar research

· Quality of prior publications

· Research quotation

· Only the selected institution will be notified via email within 1 month of the submission deadline of the acceptance of its proposal.

Right to Accept or Reject Proposals

· The APO reserves the right to annul the RFP or the vendor selection process, or to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or part, at any time, without stating any reason and without incurring any liability to the affected institution.

· The APO is not obligated to respond to any objections or to inform the affected institution of the grounds for such decisions.

· The APO also reserves the right to change the scope of work in case of need or depending upon changes in requirements before or during the implementation phase. However, if changes are made during the implementation phase, the APO will negotiate the costs for the additional work separately with the institution.

Terms and Conditions

· The APO will not bear any costs related to research, planning, design, or any other such activity related to the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP by institutions for sending proposals to the APO.

· The APO may, at its own discretion, extend the submission deadline by notifying all bidders of the extension in writing. Any proposal received after the deadline will be rejected.

Contact Information

A prospective institution requiring any clarification of this document, or the process itself, should submit its queries in writing only to the following email address by the deadline of 27 September 2024:

Multicountry Program Division 2
Asian Productivity Organization (APO Secretariat)
1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan

Email: jelvinia@apo-tokyo.org, ssetiawati@apo-tokyo.org and aohara@apo-tokyo.org



Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Development of the APO Post-2025 Vision   

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to enter into a contractual agreement to develop the APO Post-2025 Vision.

The APO post-2025 visioning exercise aims to develop a vision document/strategic plan that benefits from comprehensive analyses and deliberation as guided by the principles of results-based management linking demonstrable results with policy coherence and improved performance. The exercise also envisions a participative approach where APO stakeholders take part in mapping relevant priorities, strategies, and emerging trends that will ensure that the APO remains relevant in the post-2025 environment while keeping true to its mission. Finally, the APO post-2025 visioning exercise ensures that the next vision document/strategic plan incorporates the best practices and lessons learned from the implementation of the APO Vision 2025.

For more details, please read the Project Implementation Plan and Implementation Procedures.


The year 2026 marks the 65th year since the APO’s founding. Along with this milestone, the APO is also set to embark on a new chapter, with its current vision ending in 2025. In May 2024, the 66th Session of the APO Governing Body endorsed the recommendations from the APO Vision 2025: Pause-and-reflect (P&R) Activity, including a proposal to carry out the post-2025 visioning exercise.

Utilizing the lessons learned from the implementation of the APO Vision 2025, the P&R activity proposed a framework for the development of the post-2025 vision following the principles of results-based management. The development of the post-2025 vision requires the incorporation of the following three principles: policy coherence; improved performance; and demonstrable results. To achieve this, the proposed framework emphasized the first important step of understanding the problems to be addressed by conducting a need assessment, which then would inform the design and development of the next strategy, including indicative program plans. The P&R activity emphasized that demonstrable results would entail: 1) strong linkage between policy and APO programming; 2) responsiveness to members’ needs in relation to APO roles; and 3) alignment with what the APO and NPOs do.

The APO Post-2025 Vision Steering Committee will oversee the post-2025 visioning exercise, comprising APO Directors/APO Alternate Directors. The committee will also provide final endorsement of the vision document/strategic plan, including indicative program plans, for the consideration of the Governing Body.

Purpose The APO will select a team of individuals or an institution with extensive knowledge and experience in strategic planning, research, activity design, data analysis, and M&E, as well as delivering technical assistance related to socioeconomic policy and analyses.
Scope of Work For more details of the deliverables, team composition, and qualifications, please read the Scope of Work.
Proposals Should Include the Following Information

a. Cover letter of interest (Annex 1)

b. Basic organizational or individual resource person details (Annex 2)

c. Profile of organizational or individual resource persons (maximum 1 A4-sized page)

d. Experience in conducting similar projects (Annex 3)

e. Design, approach, methodology, and work plan to deliver the scope of work

f. Financial proposal to indicate the cost of services:

· Total costs and breakdowns for conducting the post-2025 visioning exercise should be given only in US dollar amounts.

· All national taxes and levies applicable should be stated and included in the total cost. The APO will consider the inclusive costs as the final quoted price when evaluating proposals.

· All rates and costs quoted in financial proposals should be written in both numeric and alphabetic forms, e.g., USD3,500.00 (three thousand five hundred US dollars).

Download: Annexes.

Submission of Proposals

a. Proposals with all required information specified should only be sent via email in password-protected PDF file attachments signed by authorized representatives no later than 17:00 (Japan Standard Time), 30 September 2024 to amagno@apo-tokyo.org.

b. The subject line of the email message should be: Proposal for Development of the APO Post-2025 Vision by <Institution name>.

Institution Selection Criteria and Notification of Results

a. The selected individual or institutional resource person(s) will be awarded a contract with the APO for developing the APO Post-2025 Vision based on:

· Design, approach, methodology, and work plan to deliver the scope of work

· Prior experience in conducting similar projects

· Quality of prior outputs from similar projects

· Project quotation

b. Only the selected individual/institution will be notified via email within 1 month of the submission deadline of the acceptance of the proposal.

Right to Accept or Reject Proposals

a. The APO reserves the right to annul the RFP or the vendor selection process, or to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or part at any time without stating any reason and without incurring any liability to the affected individual/institution(s).

b. The APO is not obligated to respond to any objections or to inform the affected individual/institution(s) of the grounds for such decisions.

c. The APO also reserves the right to change the scope of work in case of need or depending upon changes in requirements before or during the implementation phase. However, if changes are made during the implementation phase, the APO will negotiate the costs for the additional work separately with the selected individual/institution.

Terms and Conditions

a. The APO will not bear any costs related to research, planning, design, or any other such activity related to the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP by individual or institutional resource persons for sending proposals to the APO.

b. The APO may, at its own discretion, extend the submission deadline by notifying all bidders of the extension in writing. Any proposal received after the deadline will be rejected.

Contact Information

A prospective individual/institution requiring any clarification of this document, or the process itself, should submit queries in writing only to the following email address by the deadline of 30 September 2024:

Executive Support Unit, Executive Office
Asian Productivity Organization (APO Secretariat)
1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Email: amagno@apo-tokyo.org



Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Indonesia

Assist the National Productivity Organization (NPO) and Government of Indonesia in developing a National Productivity Master Plan to guide the country’s productivity movement, develop a nationwide growth strategy by mainstreaming productivity in the economic development agenda to achieve the aspiration to become a developed nation by 2045, and set national mid- to long-term productivity goals and targets including strategies and initiatives.

For more details, please see the PN and Implementation Procedures.


Indonesia’s development model needs to shift toward a more innovation-driven economy for long-term, sustained socioeconomic progress. Indonesia’s large, youthful population presents a significant opportunity, but this demographic dividend can only be fully realized with substantial investments in education and skill development. Challenges such as educational quality and access to vocational training limit the productivity potential of its workforce.

The country’s vast geographic expanse and diverse regions present unique challenges in terms of equitable economic development. Productivity in Java is considerably higher than in other regions, exacerbating income inequality and limiting overall national growth. At the global level, rapid technological advances are driving significant changes, while evolving trade dynamics and increasing emphasis on sustainability are reshaping economic landscapes. Indonesia must align its policies and strategies with these trends to remain competitive. A productivity strategy and roadmap will provide the framework for navigating these changes, ensuring that Indonesia is not only reactive but proactive in seizing new opportunities.

Purpose The APO will select a team of individuals or a research institution with extensive knowledge of and experience in conducting national productivity performance diagnosis across economic sectors; proven know-how and contributions in developing national productivity policy roadmaps, blueprints, and strategies; and demonstrated skills and previous involvement in policy formulation/reform including strengthening institutional capacities for implementing productivity-related policies and conducting firm-level productivity analyses/surveys to develop a national productivity master plan for Indonesia.
Scope of Work Preparing and proposing project methodology, approach, scope, etc. through close consultation with the APO Secretariat and NPO Indonesia; implementing all stages of the project, including at least two visits to the country to achieve the intended output(s) under the agreed arrangement; collecting data, conducting analysis/diagnosis, and confirming data/information with stakeholders including conducting on-site interviews if necessary; finalizing the report; organizing dissemination activities; attending and contributing to meetings with high-level officials, etc. following the agreed methodology and project timeline; and submitting the report to the APO Secretariat by the deadline.
Proposals Should Include the Following Information

1. Cover letter of interest (Annex 1).

2. Basic organizational details (Annex 2).

3. Profile of institution (maximum 1 A4-sized page).

4. Experience in conducting research in similar areas (Annex 3).

5. Financial proposal to indicate the cost of services:

5.1 Total costs and breakdowns for conducting the research should be given only in US dollar amounts.

5.2 All national taxes and levies applicable should be stated and   included in the total costs. The APO will consider the inclusive costs as the final quoted prices when evaluating proposals.

5.3 All rates and costs quoted in financial proposals should be written in both numeric and alphabetic forms, e.g., USD2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars).

Download: Annexes.

Submission of Proposals

1. Proposals with all required information specified should only be sent via email in password-protected PDF file attachments signed by authorized representatives no later than 17:00 (Japan Standard Time), 30 September 2024 to abuana@apo-tokyo.org and mkabe@apo-tokyo.org.

2. The subject line of the email message should be: Proposal for Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Indonesia by <Institution name>.

Institution Selection Criteria and Notification of Results

1. The selected institution will be awarded a research contract with the APO for conducting the research, based on the following selection criteria:

1.1. Methodology

1.2. Prior experience in conducting similar projects

1.3. Quality of output of prior projects

1.4. Project quotation

2. Only the selected institution will be notified via email within 1 month of the submission deadline of the acceptance of its proposal.

Right to Accept or Reject Proposals

1. The APO reserves the right to annul the RFP or the vendor selection process, or to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or part at any time, without stating any reason and without incurring any liability to the affected institution(s).

2. The APO is not obligated to respond to any objections or to inform the affected institution(s) of the grounds for such decisions.

3. The APO also reserves the right to change the scope of work in case of need or depending upon changes in requirements before or during the implementation phase. However, if changes are made during the implementation phase, the APO will negotiate the costs for the additional work separately with the institution.

Terms and Conditions

1. The APO will not bear any costs related to research, planning, design, or any other such activity related to the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP by institutions for sending proposals to the APO.

2. The APO may, at its own discretion, extend the submission deadline by notifying all bidders of the extension in writing. Any proposal received after the deadline will be rejected.

Contact Information

A prospective institution requiring any clarification of this document, or the process itself, shall submit its queries in writing only to the following email address by the deadline of 30 September 2024:

In-country Program Division
Asian Productivity Organization (APO Secretariat)
1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Email: abuana@apo-tokyo.org and mkabe@apo-tokyo.org



Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Development of National AI Strategy to Enhance Industry Productivity

Assist the FTPI and Ministry of Industry of Thailand in developing a national AI roadmap and strategy for enhancing the productivity of Thai industries; develop a curriculum and modules on application of generative AI for productivity improvement; and strengthen FTPI capacity through the development AI productivity specialists.

For more details, please see the PN and Implementation Procedures.


Recent updates indicated that GPT-5 is expected to reach the intelligence level of a successful college graduate by 2027, posing a significant threat to nearly 80% of knowledge work jobs, potentially impacting 800 million positions globally. Amid this global shift, Thailand’s digital transformation under the Thailand 4.0 initiative seeks to transition the country into a value-based economy.

To maintain competitiveness, Thailand must have and implement an AI-powered national productivity strategy, which aligns with and supports the Ministry of Industry’s National AI Strategy. This plan aims to integrate AI across sectors by enhancing the capacity of the FTPI to develop and maintain AI productivity specialists. This approach will position Thailand as a regional leader in AI, driving economic growth and innovation through the improvement of productivity while prioritizing inclusivity to ensure that the benefits of AI are widely accessible.

Purpose The APO will select a team of individuals or a research institution with: i) a proven track record in developing and implementing AI strategies, particularly in a national or large-scale context; ii) experience in industries relevant to the national context (e.g., manufacturing, healthcare, finance) to understand sector-specific needs and opportunities for AI; iii) experience working with government agencies, industry bodies, or large enterprises on digital transformation and AI projects; iv) deep understanding of AI technologies, including machine learning, natural language processing, and automation; v) ability to develop long-term strategies that align with national economic goals and productivity improvement objectives; vi) understanding of AI-related regulations and ethical considerations, including data privacy, cybersecurity, and AI governance; and vii) documented success in delivering AI-related projects that have led to measurable productivity improvements to develop a national AI strategy to enhance productivity for Thai industries.
Scope of Work Preparing and proposing project methodology, approach, scope, etc. through close consultation with the FTPI and APO Secretariat and; implementing all stages of the project, including at least two visits to the country to achieve the intended output(s) under the agreed arrangement; collecting data, conducting analysis/diagnosis, and confirming data/information with stakeholders including conducting on-site interviews if necessary; developing the curriculum and modules for AI productivity specialists; finalizing the report; organizing dissemination activities and/or pilot testing the modules; attending and contributing to meetings with high-level officials, etc. following the agreed methodology and project timeline; and submitting the report to the APO Secretariat by the deadline.
Proposals Should Include the Following Information

1. Cover letter of interest (Annex 1).

2. Basic organizational details (Annex 2).

3. Profile of institution (maximum 1 A4-sized page).

4. Experience in conducting research in similar areas (Annex 3).

5. Financial proposal to indicate the cost of services:

5.1 Total costs and breakdowns for conducting the research should be given only in US dollar amounts.

5.2 All national taxes and levies applicable should be stated and included in the total costs. The APO will consider the inclusive costs as the final quoted prices when evaluating proposals.

5.3 All rates and costs quoted in financial proposals should be written in both numeric and alphabetic forms, e.g., USD2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars).

Download: Annexes.

Submission of Proposals

1. Proposals with all required information specified should only be sent via email in password-protected PDF file attachments signed by authorized representatives no later than 17:00 (Japan Standard Time), 4 October 2024 to abuana@apo-tokyo.org; ababa@apo-tokyo.org; mkabe@apo-tokyo.org.

2. The subject line of the email message should be: Development of National AI Strategy to Enhance Industry Productivity by <Institution name>.

Institution Selection Criteria and Notification of Results

1. The selected institution will be awarded a research contract with the APO for conducting the research, based on the following selection criteria:

1.1. Methodology

1.2. Prior experience in conducting similar projects

1.3. Quality of prior/similar work

1.4. Project quotation.

2. Only the selected institution will be notified via email within 1 month of the submission deadline of the acceptance of its proposal.

Right to Accept or Reject Proposals

1. The APO reserves the right to annul the RFP or the vendor selection process, or to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or part at any time, without stating any reason and without incurring any liability to the affected institution(s).

2. The APO is not obligated to respond to any objections or to inform the affected institution(s) of the grounds for such decisions.

3. The APO also reserves the right to change the scope of work in case of need or depending upon changes in requirements before or during the implementation phase. However, if changes are made during the implementation phase, the APO will negotiate the costs for the additional work separately with the institution.

Terms and Conditions

1. The APO will not bear any costs related to research, planning, design, or any other such activity related to the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP by institutions for sending proposals to the APO.

2. The APO may, at its own discretion, extend the submission deadline by notifying all bidders of the extension in writing. Any proposal received after the deadline will be rejected.

Contact Information

A prospective institution requiring any clarification of this document, or the process itself, shall submit its queries in writing only to the following email address by the deadline of 4 October 2024:

In-country Program Division
Asian Productivity Organization (APO Secretariat)
1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Email: abuana@apo-tokyo.org; ababa@apo-tokyo.org; mkabe@apo-tokyo.org

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