About the APO Awards

The APO launched the productivity awards scheme in 1978 to give recognition to individuals who made outstanding contributions to the promotion and improvement of productivity in the Asia-Pacific region. It was originally conferred every three years until revised and expanded in 1985.

In commemoration of the silver (25th) anniversary of the organization, in 1986, the APO Special National Award was presented at the International Productivity Conference in Kuala Lumpur. Thereafter, the awards were reclassified, and two categories introduced: Regional and National Awards. The frequency of conferment also changed, from every three years to five.

In 2021, at the 60th anniversary of the APO, the awards were refined further to enhance their standing and expand recognition within and outside APO members. A new category, Meritorious and Distinguished, was added. The frequency of conferment was also revised. The Regional Awards are henceforth scheduled every three years, together with the new Meritorious and Distinguished, while the National ones are hereafter conferred annually.

The Regional and Meritorious and Distinguished Awards are administered by the APO Secretariat, supporting the Award selection committee comprising APO Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary-General, and two coopted members. To give productivity center stage in APO members, the APO National Awards are administered directly by respective National Productivity Organizations.

APO Regional Award

The APO confers the Regional Award on individuals with outstanding contributions, achievements, and impact in the Asia-Pacific region in the following categories:

  • Policy, strategic thinking, leadership, and management: Excellence in policy formulation and strategic thinking, or leadership and management, enabling new, innovative ideas for productivity improvement to flourish, leading to enhanced, sustainable productivity movements, institutional building, and institutional cooperation for improving productivity in the region.
  • Methodology, tools, and techniques: Development of new, innovative methodology, tools, and techniques in special fields of activity for increasing productivity in the region through onsite activities or through research, publications, and efforts to impart skills, knowledge, and innovative ideas.

APO Meritorious and Distinguished Award

This award is conferred on individuals who through their work, inspiring ideas, and/or influence have made exemplary contributions enabling focused priority attention on productivity improvement leading to the centrality of productivity in national and/or regional socioeconomic development endeavors. The awards are open to any nationality in the following categories:

  • Policy, strategic thinking, leadership, and management: Exemplary contributions enabling focused priority attention on productivity improvement leading to the centrality of productivity in national and/or regional socioeconomic development endeavors.
  • Methodology, tools, and techniques: Development of new, innovative methodology, tools, and techniques in special fields of activity for increasing productivity in the region through onsite activities or through research, publications, and efforts to impart skills, knowledge, and ideas.

APO National Award

Two awardees from each APO member may receive the APO National Award. The criterion of eligibility is outstanding contributions, with significant impact or achievements in their countries in the following categories:

  • Policy, strategic thinking, leadership, and management: Excellence in strategic thinking and policy execution, or leadership and management in spearheading and promoting productivity improvement initiatives leading to enhanced, sustainable national productivity movements, inspiring success stories on applications of productivity, developing productivity influencers and role models, and spreading the importance of productivity through broad-based partnerships, networking, and cooperation in the country.
  • Methodology, tools, and techniques: Development of new methodology, tools, and techniques for increasing productivity in the industry, service, agriculture, and public sectors of a member country through onsite activities or through research, publications, and efforts to impart skills, knowledge, and ideas.

The APO launched the productivity awards scheme in 1978 to give recognition to individuals who made outstanding contributions to the promotion and improvement of productivity in the Asia-Pacific region. It was originally conferred every three years until revised and expanded in 1985.
In commemoration of the silver (25th) anniversary of the organization, in 1986, the APO Special National Award was presented at the International Productivity Conference in Kuala Lumpur. Thereafter, the awards were reclassified, and two categories introduced: Regional and National Awards. The frequency of conferment also changed, from every three years to five.

In 2021, at the 60th anniversary of the APO, the awards were refined further to enhance their standing and expand recognition within and outside APO members. A new category, Meritorious and Distinguished, was added. The frequency of conferment was also revised. The Regional Awards are henceforth scheduled every three years, together with the new Meritorious and Distinguished, while the National ones are hereafter conferred annually.
The Regional and Meritorious and Distinguished Awards are administered by the APO Secretariat, supporting the Award selection committee comprising APO Chair, Vice Chairs, Secretary-General, and two coopted members. To give productivity center stage in APO members, the APO National Awards are administered directly by respective National Productivity Organizations.

APO Regional Award

The APO confers the Regional Award on individuals with outstanding contributions, achievements, and impact in the Asia-Pacific region in the following categories:

  • Policy, strategic thinking, leadership, and management: Excellence in policy formulation and strategic thinking, or leadership and management, enabling new, innovative ideas for productivity improvement to flourish, leading to enhanced, sustainable productivity movements, institutional building, and institutional cooperation for improving productivity in the region.
  • Methodology, tools, and techniques: Development of new, innovative methodology, tools, and techniques in special fields of activity for increasing productivity in the region through onsite activities or through research, publications, and efforts to impart skills, knowledge, and innovative ideas.

APO Meritorious and Distinguished Award

This award is conferred on individuals who through their work, inspiring ideas, and/or influence have made exemplary contributions enabling focused priority attention on productivity improvement leading to the centrality of productivity in national and/or regional socioeconomic development endeavors. The awards are open to any nationality in the following categories:

  • Policy, strategic thinking, leadership, and management: Exemplary contributions enabling focused priority attention on productivity improvement leading to the centrality of productivity in national and/or regional socioeconomic development endeavors.
  • Methodology, tools, and techniques: Development of new, innovative methodology, tools, and techniques in special fields of activity for increasing productivity in the region through onsite activities or through research, publications, and efforts to impart skills, knowledge, and ideas.

APO National Award

Two awardees from each APO member may receive the APO National Award. The criterion of eligibility is outstanding contributions, with significant impact or achievements in their countries in the following categories:

  • Policy, strategic thinking, leadership, and management: Excellence in strategic thinking and policy execution, or leadership and management in spearheading and promoting productivity improvement initiatives leading to enhanced, sustainable national productivity movements, inspiring success stories on applications of productivity, developing productivity influencers and role models, and spreading the importance of productivity through broad-based partnerships, networking, and cooperation in the country.
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