About Us » Alumni »  Productivity Association of Sri Lanka

Productivity Association of Sri Lanka (PASL)

Established in 1973


  • Propagate the concept of productivity and productivity consciousness among all sectors of the country
  • Promote and foster the professional advancement of the members and to provide a common forum for recipients of APO Fellowships
  • Develop relationships with other productivity organizations/societies within or outside Sri Lanka
  • Carry out activities on subjects related to productivity through the exchange of experiences, training programs, seminars, and others.
  • Assist the Government of Sri Lanka in its efforts to promote productivity

Organizational structure:

  • Governing council: A president, three vice presidents, a General Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, National organizer, Editor, and ten Committee Members.


  • Individual members
  • Institutional members
  • Organizational members

Major activities:

PASL inaugural ceremony

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