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The APO Secretariat and National Productivity Centre of Cambodia organized a face-to-face training course on Blockchain Technology Application in e-Government, 5–9 August. The course introduced blockchain [Read More]
The Japan Productivity Center (JPC) and National Productivity Organization (NPO) Fiji organized a Bilateral Cooperation between NPOs project on Benchmarking Study on Productivity Enhancement Initiatives in [Read More]
The NPO Bangladesh and APO Secretariat organized a face-to-face training course on Six Sigma, 14–18 July in Dhaka, with 24 NPO officials attending. The aim was [Read More]
From 31 July to 2 August, the Thailand Productivity Institute hosted a multicountry observational study mission in Bangkok, focusing on the implementation of the sufficiency economy [Read More]
The Development of Demonstration Companies (DMP) Program is an APO initiative to establish role models within its members to showcase the practical impacts of productivity enhancements [Read More]