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Strategic foresight is the organizational capacity to think systematically about the future to inform decision making today. The APO aims to be a leading enabler of strategic foresight by offering member governments the best practices and scenario development tools through a comprehensive, systematic program. If implemented effectively, foresight can improve member governments’ long-term development planning in areas of critical national importance.
Existing productivity measurement tools do not show the gains from digital services, which are redefining the concept of efficiency while increasing the products and services available. Traditional productivity measurement should thus be expanded to reflect sustainability dimensions and efficiency gains from innovation. The external context of constant change must be integrated into planning processes so that productivity gains are future-proof while meeting long-term needs and expectations.
The APO Centers of Excellence (COE) Program taps unique expertise and resources available in a member country for sharing with others. Four COE have been designated on Business Excellence (Singapore, 2009), Green Productivity (ROC, 2013), Public-sector Productivity (Philippines, 2015), and IT for Industry 4.0 (India, 2017). The COE support the APO in disseminating knowledge and best practices and in capacity building. This effective initiative will continue to benefit member countries.
The APO Accreditation Body (APO-AB) is a separate, impartial entity within the APO Secretariat which is responsible for assessing and accrediting certification bodies against the ISO:IEC 17024 and APO-AB Certification of Person. The impartiality and independence of the APO-AB are assured through three levels of activities: level 1, strategy and policy; level 2, decision making on accreditation; and level 3, assessment and accreditation review. The Office of the APO-AB acts as the focal point of activities under the Accreditation and Certification Program. The activities include: updating member countries on the status of development of APO certification bodies and schemes; organizing APO-AB Council Meetings, technical working groups, and the Certification Body Development Program; and facilitating the assessment process for accreditation.
The APO digital-learning platform was upgraded in 2017 to a more intuitive, responsive portal with expanded mobile apps. Courses now include reality-based scenarios and interactive quizzes, following global educational trends. Improved versions of self-learning e-courses will be offered from 2019, and video-based courseware will attract more participants. This cost-effective platform reaches a wide audience unable to attend conventional APO courses, allowing them to learn at their convenience.