APO Members
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Year of Joining 1982
APO Director Ms. Zakia Sultana, Senior Secretary, Ministry of Industries
APO Alternate Director Mr. Muhammad Nuruzzaman ndc, Director General (Additional Secretary), National Productivity Organisation, Ministry of Industries
NPO Head Mr. Muhammad Nuruzzaman ndc, Director General (Additional Secretary), National Productivity Organisation, Ministry of Industries
APO Liaison Officer Mr. Muhammad Arifuzzaman, Director, National Productivity Organisation (NPO), Ministry of Industries
Name of NPO National Productivity Organisation Bangladesh
Address National Productivity Organisation (NPO), Ministry of Industries
Shilpa Bhaban (1st Floor), 91, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone 88-01914750009
Email npobangla@yahoo.com
Website http://www.npo.gov.bd/
NPO Established 1983
  The National Productivity Organisation (NPO) of Bangladesh is a government institution. Originally the National Centre for Monitoring Labour Productivity established under the Ministry of Labour and Manpower in 1983, in 1987 it was renamed the Bangladesh Productivity Centre. In 1989, in line with the progressive new industrial policy of the government, it became the NPO under the Ministry of Industries to act as a catalyst and focal point for the promotion of productivity in the country.

The NPO has a multidimensional National Productivity Council (NPC), which is the highest-level body for productivity, to provide national productivity policy, planning, and programs. The NPC is chaired by the Minister of Industries and has 36 members representing key ministries, chambers of commerce and industry, workers’ federations, and academic bodies.
For more information, please visit: http://www.npo.gov.bd/


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