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The APO Certification Body Development (CBD) Program aims to develop NPOs and their affiliated organizations to become APO-accredited CBs to operate certification schemes of productivity specialists. As a CB, one of the important components is to build a pool of qualified assessors who are familiar with certification schemes and assessment methods.
APO-PS 101: Requirements for Productivity Specialists is a certification scheme developed under the APO Accreditation Program. It serves as the standard for CBs to conduct the certification of productivity specialists. APO-PS 101 includes certification scope and level, prerequisites and competency requirements, productivity domain expertise, process skills, people skills, code of professional conduct, and certification process.
Under this scheme, CBs conduct documentation verification, examination, desktop assessment, and face-to-face panel interviews before issuing certification to candidates. CBs must develop capable internal and/or external assessors to undertake these tasks, ensuring that CB assessments meet the requirements stipulated under APO-PS 101 and qualified productivity specialists are certified sustainably.
This course aims to develop assessors under APO-PS 101 by providing the required skills, knowledge, and ability while maintaining the highest standards in conducting assessments. Participants are also expected to continue serving CBs as internal or external assessors after completion of this training course.
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