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Smart manufacturing leverages computer-integrated systems, responds to changing demands and conditions in real time, and converges operating and information technologies to achieve optimization of business, physical, and digital processes. Digitization is usually the first step in smart manufacturing for the purpose of acquiring data and information to understand, monitor, and improve the processes of value creation.
Data analytics involve the collection, organization, analysis, and visualization of data, which enable organizations and individuals to observe patterns, understand situations, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making. With timely information gathered by sensors and communicated through the IoT, data analytics provide real-time visibility of every part of operations and performance. With technologies such as AI and predictive simulations, businesses can anticipate future situations and optimize strategies and actions accordingly.
This training course aims to impart knowledge on the foundations of and tools for data analytics and provide references on related trends and technologies to assist APO members in upgrading their industries to smart manufacturing.
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