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Electric motors are used in almost all sectors of industry along with the commercial, residential, transport, and agriculture sectors. With urbanization and industrialization increasing globally, the number of motors is also increasing, contributing to CO 2 emissions and climate change. Minimizing the power losses in electric motors while they convert electrical to mechanical energy can contribute to sustainable development.
The power consumed by motors accounts to more than 90% of the total product life cycle cost. The Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative states that doubling the efficiency of new industrial electric motor systems worldwide from 2022 could reduce CO 2 emissions by about a gigatonne by 2030. However, an upswing in economic activities, inadequate policy interventions, lack of know-how on best operating and maintenance practices, and financial limitations undermine applications of technological advances in the operating efficiency of motors. Although several countries are now shifting to higher efficiency standards as regulatory measures, they are primarily applicable to new motors. To reach climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement, there is a need to focus on energy efficiency and its critical role in the energy transition.
This training course is in line with the Green Productivity concept developed by the APO on guiding enterprises to enhance productivity and profitability with the least environmental impact. With relevant know-how on approaches to conserve energy in motors acquired during the course, participants can implement them in industry and disseminate them to create multiplier effects.
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