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Ladies and Gentlemen:

It is a great pleasure to welcome APO Directors, Advisers, and Observers to the 58th session of the APO Governing Body (GBM) in [Read More]

Looking back, 2015 was a very busy, eventful year for the APO, which was achieved through close cooperation among member countries, including NPOs and other organizations. [Read More]

Distinguished NPO and Agriculture Delegates;
Advisers, Observers, and Guests:

It is a great pleasure and honor to attend this Workshop Meeting of Heads of National Productivity [Read More]

Distinguished APO Directors,

Ladies, and Gentlemen:

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 57th session of the APO Governing Body in Krung Thep Maha [Read More]

Happy New Year! Looking back, 2014 was a successful, exciting year. We must now build on that success by focusing on high-impact areas in 2015.

The [Read More]

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