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The Asian Productivity Organization’s (APO’s) newest member, Turkiye, played host to the 64th Workshop Meeting of Heads of National Productivity Organizations (WSM) in Ankara. It brought together 65 NPO delegates and advisers representing 20 APO members, alongside observers from the Pan Africa Productivity Association, 17–19 October. The WSM serves as the annual strategic planning session, facilitating discussions on future program plans and reviewing current initiatives to best cater to members’ needs.
Guest of Honor Minister Mehmat Fatih Kacir (L) and Secretary-General Dr. Indra.
On the first day, APO Director for Turkiye Abdullah Basar opened the Inaugural Session by warmly welcoming delegates and highlighting the importance of collaboration within the APO to advance their productivity agendas. In his statement to the WSM, APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata emphasized the commitment to the APO Vision 2025, underscoring the importance of quality and shared responsibility in achieving the intended results. This was followed by the inaugural address by the Guest of Honor, Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacir, who highlighted Turkiye’s efforts and goals in productivity enhancement, specifically in digital and green transformation.
APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra delivering his statement at the inaugural session.
Chaired by APO Director Basar, with APO Alternate Director and NPO Head for Fiji Dr. Isimeli Waibuta Tagicakiverata as Vice Chair, the meeting continued with presentations by the Secretariat on crucial topics, such as the impact evaluation of 2022 programs, APO Vision 2025 Pause-and-reflect Activity, and ongoing initiative to strengthen the APO’s digital capability.
WSM Vice Chair Dr. Tagicakiverata (L), WSM Chair Basar, and Secretary-General Dr. Indra.
Day 2 of the meeting will consist of country paper presentations by member delegates offering their recommendations and feedback on APO initiatives, as well as discussions on the programs planned for 2024 and the 2025–26 biennium. These collaborative interactions underline the shared commitment of APO members to both national and regional productivity and socioeconomic improvement.
The three-day meeting will conclude with a forum consisting of two sessions specially organized by the NPO Turkiye. Local experts will give insights on “The Role of Model Factories in the Efficiency of Firms” and “Steering the Twin Transition: Sustainability and Efficiency of Startups.”
APO Director for Turkiye Abdullah Basar (7th L), Guest of Honor Minister Mehmet Fatih Kacir (8th L), Secretary-General Dr. Indra (7th R), and Heads of NPOs at the 64th WSM.