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Secretariat session on reducing carbon emissions
In July 2007, the APO Secretariat launched the project Making the APO a Carbon-neutral Organization. Its first effort was to offset the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted resulting from APO activities. This is a landmark project in which the APO’s carbon footprint was first assessed, measures to reduce GHG emissions taken in the program planning stage and within the Secretariat, and then the remaining emission equivalents will be offset so that it finally becomes carbon neutral.
The APO has been undertaking environmental projects on Green Productivity, energy efficiency, the 3Rs, clean development mechanism, etc. in recognition of the gravity of environmental concerns in all member countries and the world at large. Therefore it initiated the project to become carbon neutral itself. Many leading private companies are already carbon neutral, although as yet only a few nonprofit organizations can make the same claim.
From July 2007, the NPC, India, calculated GHG emissions related to APO projects and in the Secretariat due to air and road travel, electricity and paper usage, etc., in accordance with UN Framework Convention on Climate Change guidelines. The calculations were reviewed by a third party, Dr. Albert Kaupp, Manager of the Indo-German Energy Programme. In the reduction phase, the activities consuming the most energy were analyzed and revisions were made in the planning of nnual programs and internal Secretariat activities. By spring this year, the process will be completed, and the APO will become carbon neutral.