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In its efforts to familiarize member countries with key elements and current trends affecting SMEs while observing good practices and improvement strategies in IR Iran, the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) organized an observational study mission on SME Development in Tehran in collaboration with the National Iranian Productivity Organization (NIPO).
The five-day study mission was inaugurated by APO Director for IR Iran and NIPO Head Dr. Roya Tabatabaei Yazdi on 7 October 2017 and attended by 23 participants from 10 APO members. It provided an overview of SME development strategies utilized in the Republic of China (ROC), IR Iran, and Singapore and introduced the concept of the digital economy and data analysis applications for SMEs. The delegation visited six companies, representing the textile, food-processing, houseware manufacturing, and traditional medicine sectors, located in the Shokohie Industrial Park, Qom province, to observe how Iranian SMEs are striving to stay competitive in domestic and global markets despite the challenges resulting from the lack of opportunities for foreign investment and trade over the past few decades.
Two APO-assigned international experts shared their experiences with study mission members: Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research Vice President Dr. Jiann-Chyuan Wang of the ROC; and Integral Solutions Consulting Director Irene Boey of Singapore. A local speaker, Iran Small Industries and Industrial Parks Organization Advisor Dr. Ali Aghamohseni, also briefed participants on the Iranian strategies for developing micro and small enterprises.
Promoting the development of SMEs is a core element of the APO’s mandate and one of its strategic directions. In recent years, the APO has organized various bilateral cooperation projects between national productivity organizations, workshops on development policies, and observational study missions in selected member countries.