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The Training of Trainers and Consultants in Green Productivity was virtually implemented by the China Productivity Center and APO Secretariat, 26–30 September. This is a prerequisite course to prepare participants to become APO-certified GP specialists.
The rapid rise in industrialization over the last few decades in the Asia-Pacific region led to economic prosperity, employment generation, technology upgradation, and higher standards of living, but at the expense of exploiting its vast natural resources. Industrialization also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution that adversely impact the environment, thus requiring urgent attention and action to decouple industrialization and environmental degradation.
The APO developed the Green Productivity concept to enhance the productivity and quality of industry without compromising the health and safety of the workforce while minimizing environmental impacts. The five-day training course, conducted by resource persons from the ROC, Norway, and Singapore, gave insights into the GP framework including tools, techniques, methodology, and management systems. Presentation topics included environmental degradation and climate change as well as sustainable development options. In addition, participants were given a case study to work on in groups. Twenty-two participants from 11 APO members successfully completed the training and are a step closer to becoming APO-certified GP specialists.