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A face-to-face in-country Technical Expert Service project on Carbon and Water Footprint Calculation Training was implemented by the NPO Turkiye and Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) Marmara Research Center (MRC), 20–24 May in Kocaeli, with the participation of 20 researchers. Two resource persons from the Netherlands conducted training sessions on life cycle assessment (LCA), water footprint calculation, ISO 140464-1 and 14067 standards, and GaBi and OpenLCA software and moderated case study exercises for the textile, agrifood, and steel sectors.
These studies will help beneficiaries meet national greenhouse gas and water consumption targets. Eleven of the participants expressed high satisfaction with the project, with all indicating agreement, suggesting that it either met or exceeded their expectations. More than half of the participants agreed that the project enhanced their knowledge and skills and found the materials used to be appropriate and easy to comprehend. Participants indicated that they learnt how to calculate the water footprint at product and process level and suggested that the next step could be to identify the industries with high water consumption and create a tool to calculate the water footprint.