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The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) enhances productivity in the region by developing and strengthening the capabilities of NPOs through initiatives such as the Certification Body Development Program. With the launch of the Malaysia Productivity Corporation Certification Body (MPC-CB), Malaysia has taken another significant step toward achieving its productivity goals. The MPC-CB can now certify individuals as productivity specialists, enabling them to implement productivity solutions and best practices across all sectors of Malaysia’s economy. With the APO’s support, these certified productivity specialists will also be recognized among all members.
APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata was in Malaysia to attend the official launch of the MPC-CB held in Kuala Lumpur on 3 March. He presented the certificate and complimented the MPC, noting that, “The MPC-CB has demonstrated its commitment to excellence in providing quality certification services for productivity specialists. This will enhance the MPC’s reputation as a leading NPO among APO members.” He added that as one of the first NPOs among the APO’s 21 members to develop a recognized CB, other NPOs would have opportunities to learn from and benchmark against the MPC-CB’s best practices, assisting them to become more effective in delivering services.
Read the official press release by the MPC.
Visit the Flagship Program: Accreditation for more information on the APO’s Accreditation and Certification Program.