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A face-to-face TES project on Enhancing Public-sector Productivity was held in Suva, Fiji, from 2–5 December 2024. The training included sessions led by two resource persons from Singapore and the Philippines. Forty-two participants from 20 different ministries and state-owned enterprises attended these training and group work sessions. The overall purpose was to introduce the APO Public-sector Productivity Framework and enhance understanding of the key areas for improving public-sector productivity.
The main topics included an introduction to public-sector productivity, public-sector productivity measurement, public-private sector partnerships, citizen-centered services, good regulatory practices, productivity improvement tools, techniques, methodologies, and best practice sharing on e-governance. A workshop on preparing action plans was conducted towards the end of the course. The APO and NPO will conduct follow-up visits and maintain collaboration with the COE on PSP, appointing Public Sector Productivity Champions for task forces to drive initiatives across the sector.