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10 Mar 2010

Improving the visibility of the APO is part of an overall effort to share the benefits of its activities with as many stakeholders as possible. It [Read More]

7 Mar 2010

4−7 March 2010, Balai Sidang Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia

The APO completed its four-day Eco-products International Fair (EPIF), Asia’s largest international exhibition of advanced eco-technology, -products, [Read More]

21 Feb 2010

Tokyo, 15-17 February

“Public-sector productivity” is an area that the 50th Workshop Meeting of Heads of NPOs in the Philippines last year earmarked for further pursuit [Read More]

19 Feb 2010

15−19 February

The strong network of national productivity organizations (NPOs) and their interest in mutual cooperation has been one the strengths of the APO. NPOs share [Read More]

12 Feb 2010

12 February 2010

“The Green Productivity Advisory Committee (GPAC) is a unique network, which links private corporations to an international organization to promote a sustainable society [Read More]

5 Feb 2010

Tokyo, 5 February 2010

An eight-member delegation from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Venezuela visited the APO Secretariat on 5 February 2010 to learn about the organization [Read More]

22 Jan 2010

18−22 January 2010

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) of the USA defines a healthy work organization as “a competitive organization that can [Read More]

18 Dec 2009

The APO Secretariat is pleased to endorse and cohost the Thailand Quality Award Seminar 2010 organized by the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI), the country’s national productivity [Read More]

18 Dec 2009

Congratulations to the following winners of the APO News 2010 quiz :

  • Mr. Md. Khaleduzzaman (Bangladesh)
  • Mr. Rahul N. Kirkire (India)
  • Mr. S. Shanmugam (India)
  • Ms.
[Read More]

12 Dec 2009

Green Productivity to Enhance Competitiveness is the theme of the upcoming Eco-products International Fair (EPIF). Jakarta, the capital and largest city of Indonesia, will play host [Read More]

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