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Contributed by APO Liaison Unit Head Edna B. Tupas, Development Academy of the Philippines
Participants and DAP staff at the APO Grantee’s Forum in Manila
As part of the strategy to harness APO alumni as partners in the productivity movement, the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), through its APO Liaison Unit and Regional Operations Group, held two APO Grantees’ Forums: the first was in Manila on 29 October 2008; and the second in Davao on 5 December 2008. They provided venues for APO alumni to exchange knowledge from APO projects on productivity and quality applications and give updates on follow-up activities taken domestically.
The forum in Manila was held at the Edsa Shangri-la Hotel for Luzon-based APO alumni and experts from the past five years. It was attended by 49 participants representing government, agencies, academia, industry associations and chambers, the media, DAP alumni, and NGOs. Three grantees gave presentations. University of the Philippines Professor Elvira Zamora, the national expert for the APO project on Management of Technology in SMEs, explained key issues and company-specific experiences. General Manager Dr. Antonio J. Pineda, Isuzu Cebu, Inc., the national expert for the APO research on Innovation and Competitiveness, highlighted the competitiveness ranking of the country and cited areas for improvement. Mt. Mogan
Participants and DAP staff at the APO Grantee’s Forum in Davao
Resources and Development Corporation President Jose O. Carino, an APO grantee who attended the study mission to Switzerland on Quality and
Ambi (L) with the plaque of appreciation given by APO Liaison Officer Carlos A. Sayco., Jr.
Innovation, shared his company’s experience in pursuing higher quality and innovation. During the open forum, APO Alternative Director and DAP President Antonio D. Kalaw, Jr., commended the speakers and participants for describing the productivity and quality endeavors in their own organizations, client organizations, and other venues.
The forum for Mindanao grantees was held at the Grand Men Seng Hotel in Davao, the largest city on the island of Mindanao. Twenty-nine APO grantees from the public and private sectors were in attendance. Provincial Director Ma. Belenda Q. Ambi, Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) had attended an APO workshop on Biomass/Waste Utilization. Subsequently, she initiated several projects, conducted eco-briefings, and coordinated with local government units (LGUs) to respond to the perennial concerns of citizens regarding energy and the utilization of biomass waste. DTI-XI Regional Director Marizon S. Loreto presented several innovations conducted in her agency through the implementation of the ISO9000 Quality Management System (QMS).
With QMS adoption, Region XI (southern Mindanao) has become more efficient, focused, market driven, and development oriented in dealing with client welfare and protection. DTI Provincial Director Teolulo T. Pasawa, a grantee of the APO study meeting on Learning Organizations, explained how APO member countries had adopted the learning organization strategy in the public and private sectors. He also introduced various approaches and methods to facilitate adoption of the strategy for attaining business/organizational excellence. The forum also created the APO Mindanao Core Group, which will participate in the planning of productivity and development projects with the DAP in which grantees are expected to serve as consultants or resource persons.
The APO Grantees’ Forum is one of eight APO alumni bodies that play an important role in generating multiplier effects in national and regional productivity networks. Visit the APO Alumni site for more information on each alumni body and its activities.