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Regulatory reform is important to achieve innovation, inclusive growth, and higher productivity in the Asia-Pacific region. To increase the effectiveness of regulatory reforms and make the public sector in member countries more efficient, the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) conducted a multicountry observational study mission on Regulatory Review Enhancing Public-sector Productivity in Manila, 19–23 November 2018. It was organized in collaboration with the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP).
Many regulations are created aiming at strengthening investment from overseas, addressing monopolies in critical sectors of the economy, introducing tariffs, and improving corporate governance through sectoral reforms. However, those regulations simultaneously alter the behavior of the private sector, communities, and individuals. Governments should therefore review their efficiency and consistency to confirm the positive effects on society.
The five-day study mission was inaugurated by Assistant Secretary Carlos Bernardo O. Abad Santos of the National Economic and Development Authority of the Philippines. DAP President Atty. Engelbert C. Caronan delivered the opening remarks. With 18 participants from 11 APO member countries, the mission focused on regulatory review and assessment. Two international resource persons, Ministry of Tourism Director of Facilitation and Regulatory Quality Hector Espindola of Mexico and Korea Institute for Public Administration Senior Research Fellow Dr. Shin Kim of the Republic of Korea gave presentations and guided discussions. On the second day, mission members attended the Symposium on Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) hosted by the DAP to share local organizations’ approach to RIA and introduce assessment criteria and tools.
The delegates visited the Food and Drug Administration, National Privacy Commission, Philippine Economic Zone Authority, and city government of Valenzuela to understand how each organization enforces and reviews regulations.
Photo: DAP