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Productivity champions and stakeholders gathered in Ulaanbaatar to celebrate Mongolia’s fame and reputation as the “land of mighty warriors” when the country celebrated three decades of its productivity journey on 22 March.
Joining the APO in 1992, the national productivity movement began under the pioneering leadership of the late Dr. Pagvajav-un Shurchuluu, founder of the Mongolia Productivity Organization (MPO). Through a combination of multi- and in-country project activities, Mongolia rapidly developed the institutional capability of the MPO and expanded the pool of productivity champions to all provinces.
APO Director for Mongolia Yamaaranz Erkhembayar, current Chairman and Executive Director of the MPO, was present at the creation of the MPO and has been instrumental throughout the journey. He was joined at the 30th anniversary commemoration by Vice Chairman and Cabinet Secretary Byambasuren Urgamal, a recipient of the 2021 APO National Award. Both shared insights on and future hopes for the national productivity movement.
A video presentation captured the colorful history of the productivity journey in the country. The event was enlivened by the sharing of memorable details and experiences by numerous productivity stakeholders. As a tribute to the MPO, Heads of National Productivity Organizations from several APO members sent congratulatory video messages, as did the APO Secretariat.
The APO salutes and congratulates the MPO and all productivity champions and warriors of Mongolia.