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Since 2014, Turkiye’s Ministry of Industry and Technology has been promoting public-sector productivity through its annual Productivity Project Award (PPA). Representatives from this year’s top three PPA awardees joined an individual-country observational study mission (IOSM) on Best Practices in Public-sector Productivity in Japan, 10–13 July.
The mission was hosted by the Japan Productivity Center (JPC) and attended by six Turkish delegates. Two local resource persons shared knowledge and expertise on Japanese productivity initiatives, tools, and digital transformational strategies. In addition, the delegates visited organizations in the shipbuilding, public transportation, and healthcare sectors to observe and discuss best practices and productivity improvement efforts. The site visits provided immersive experience in various aspects of public-sector productivity, from traditional 5S and kaizen frameworks to cutting-edge digital transformation and IoT trends. Moreover, the IOSM provided an opportunity for Turkish PPA Committee members to consult with the APO Secretariat and related institutions to enhance the award program. The mission was appreciated by the JPC and organizations visited, as it also enabled them to learn about innovative solutions in shipbuilding, public transportation, and healthcare sectors in Turkiye shared by the mission members, which opened up opportunities for further collaboration.
Local site visits to Mikan Shimokita, Keio Corporation, and Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
The APO recognizes the critical significance of public-sector productivity to its member economies. Higher productivity in the public sector is a cornerstone of efficient service delivery, effective policy implementation, sustainable economic growth, and societal trust in government institutions. Study missions like this are designed to promote best practices and innovative solutions, while encouraging collaborations among members to contribute to sustainable socioeconomic development in the Asia-Pacific region. The knowledge gained from this mission promises a brighter future for Turkiye’s public sector as it continues to strive for exceptional productivity and service delivery.
Turkish delegates with representatives from Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology (TIRI), JPC, and APO Secretariat.