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The olive oil industry has experienced growth recently in the Hatay, Kahramanmaras, and Osmaniye provinces of Turkiye. Olive oil produced in those provinces is sought after for its flavor and aroma in both domestic and foreign markets. Olive oil production in those provinces was 137,888 tons in 2021, comprising 12% of total production in Turkiye.
Innovation leads to the expansion and improvement of techniques and technologies for production and distribution. Digital innovation could support the entire supply chain as well. Advanced technologies in the olive oil sector play a crucial role in building reliable, safe, sustainable FVCs. For example, digital technologies such as the cloud, IoT, big data, and AI can help in developing efficient, effective FVCs. Applications of blockchain technology to FVCs may help develop fool-proof, reliable food traceability systems. The Eastern Mediterranean Development Agency (DOGAKA) has provided financial support to olive oil firms for modern machinery investments for years.
Considering the importance of improving the services of olive oil producers to respond to the marketplace by linking production, processing, transportation, storage, and marketing activities to consumer demand, DOGAKA and the APO are therefore organizing this workshop to bring all partners together to discuss innovations in olive oil production, standardization, branding, technological development, and marketing trends.
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