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7 Dec 2018

Regulatory reform is important to achieve innovation, inclusive growth, and higher productivity in the Asia-Pacific region. To increase the effectiveness of regulatory reforms and make the [Read More]

27 Nov 2018

Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Secretary-General Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn called upon policymakers and public-sector professionals to catch up with technology-driven disruptions and changing business models so that [Read More]

21 Nov 2018

Genetic engineering, automation, and the rise of new political movements worldwide are set to drive changes in coming decades. However, these changes are difficult, if not [Read More]

19 Nov 2018

The agribusiness industry is expanding quickly, fueled by growing consumer demand for exotic products and technological developments in marketing and processing. International trade and marketing of [Read More]

9 Nov 2018

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) announced that it is developing an Agricultural Transformation Framework (ATF) for its member countries. The initiative is part of the organization’s [Read More]

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