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In line with its organizational mission, since 2007 the APO has conducted productivity measurement projects that provide a comparative analysis of the productivity and economic growth of APO member economies. The results of these projects support the Secretariat in planning need-based programs and assist member governments in formulating appropriate economic policies and strategies. These productivity measurement projects are implemented under a research partnership with Keio Economic Observatory of Keio University, Tokyo.
The Asian Economic Productivity Map (AEPM) is an online tool that provides a comprehensive view of productivity and other economic data of 30 Asian countries and benchmarks from multiple economic groups across the world including ASEAN, the Gulf Cooperation Council, South Asia, EU 15, and USA.
The AEPM provides a graphic dashboard view of productivity and economic trends, and the data are presented as both by per-worker labor productivity and per-hour labor productivity, in addition to total factor productivity growth rates. Labor productivity growth has been computed for key sectors, such as agriculture, manufacturing, wholesale and retail, transportation, and communication. Data on other economic parameters including output, capital, demand, income, population, and prices are also available as one-point references on the AEPM.
Click here to go to Asian Economy and Productivity Map
APO Productivity Database 2024 Version 1 (Index) (xlsx) [Updated 15 October 2024]
APO Productivity Database 2024 Version 1b (xlsx) [Updated 24 January 2025]
The database offers both GDP data by industry and economy-wide input and output data with detailed disaggregation. This comprehensive dataset is one of the key elements of the APO Productivity Database 2024.
© APO 2024
The 17th edition of the APO Productivity Databook offers in-depth analyses of economic growth and productivity in Asia from 1970 to 2022, with projections extending to 2035. It covers baseline indicators for 31 Asian economies, including 21 APO members, 10 nonmembers, and reference economies such as Australia, the EU, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA. A detailed productivity account in the APO Productivity Database (APO-PDB) is developed for 21 APO members, four nonmember Asian countries, and the USA, with detailed insights on the roles of capital and labor inputs and total factor productivity in economic growth. The Asia25 economies covered by the APO-PDB accounted for 91% of Asian GDP (in PPP terms) in 2022.
Authored by Dr. Koji Nomura (Keio University) and Dr. Mun S. Ho (Harvard University) under the consultancy of Professor W. Erwin Diewert (University of British Columbia), this edition incorporates the latest estimates published through May 2024. Several economies have made significant revisions to their official national accounts, while Bhutan, Saudi Arabia, and the USA published new benchmark-year national accounts in 2023. Using extensive auxiliary information, this edition constructs harmonized retrospective estimates dating back to 1970. The APO Productivity Databook serves as an essential resource for policymakers and researchers, offering harmonized international comparisons over more than half a century to support informed decision-making.
Click here for older editions of the databook.
APO Productivity Quick Facts 2020 is a compact supplement to the APO Productivity Databook 2020. This booklet gives users quick reference to productivity data on all APO member countries. It encompasses key indicators of productivity performance and economic growth through 25 country and regional profiles as well as comparative cross-country statistics and projections. APO Productivity Quick Facts 2020 is a time-saving tool for policymakers, policy analysts, academics, economists, and productivity practitioners requiring easy, at-a-glance access to overall productivity data on member countries.
Co-authors: Professor Koji Nomura, Ms. Eunice Y.M. Lau, and Mr. Hideyuki Mizobuchi
• Business Dynamics and Productivity Growth with an Application to Taiwanese Electronics Firms (PDF 280 KB)
Presented by Professor Loretta Fung at the APO-KEO Special Lecture held on 5 October 2009.
• The Housing Bubble and a New Approach to Accounting for Housing in a CPI (PDF 120 KB)
Presented by Professor Alice Nakamura at the APO-KEO Special Lecture held on 5 October 2009.
• Productivity Measurement within a New Architecture for the US National Accounts: Lessons for Asia (PDF 130 KB)
Presented by Professor Dale W. Jorgenson at the APO-KEO Special Lecture held on 15 January 2009.
• Productivity Measurement in the National Accounts and Its Importance (PDF 150 KB)
Presented by Professor Erwin Diewert at the APO-KEO Special Lecture held on 22 October 2007.
News Articles
A look at Asian productivity in the last decade, APO News May 2011
Reading productivity and economic trends
Dr. Koji Nomura, Associate Professor, Keio Economic Observatory, Keio University, contributed the articles below, in collaboration with Ms. Eunice Y.M. Lau, co-author of the APO Productivity Databook (Parts 1–7):
The power of data, APO News June 2010
The Research and Planning Department undertakes survey initiatives, missions, and other forms of assistance for members to build their capacity in the area of productivity measurement and economic statistics. These efforts are in line with the APO’s mission to serve as a think tank and regional adviser for its members.
APO Survey Initiative
Surveys are conducted by the APO Secretariat to assist APO members in improving their official statistical data and to build up their capacity for productivity measurement. These can take various forms ranging from a joint statistical survey with a member to an assistance mission to an individual member upon request. To date, missions have been sent by the APO to Mongolia (2008) and Fiji (2009). An ongoing survey initiative is the National Wealth Survey of Mongolia. This is being conducted in collaboration with the National Statistical Office of Mongolia. This will be the first survey to observe capital stock in Mongolia directly and ultimately will be the basis for the development of the balance-sheet account in Mongolia.
Click below for news on the Mongolian initiative.
• Collaboration with the National Statistical Office of Mongolia
• Training for Mongolian NSO staff
APO TFP Missions to Member Countries
Among APO members, there are distinct differences in the system of national accounts and the definition and coverage of economic indicators that are crucial for productivity measurement. A challenging task in productivity measurement is considering these differences and devising a harmonized methodology for computing indicators like single factor productivity (e.g., labor productivity) or multifactor productivity/total factor productivity (TFP). In line with the aim of assisting APO members in taking the necessary steps for computing their TFP using internationally standardized methodology, the APO dispatches missions to its members when requested.
Click below for news on these TFP Missions.