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Kaizen is the Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. In the new age where digitalization has transformed the industrial process, the newly developed Digital Kaizen Guidebook aims [Read More]


This publication showcases Knowledge Management (KM) in Mongolia’s energy and mining sectors, highlighting case studies from Erdenet Mining Corporation, Thermal Power Plant No. 3, and Cable [Read More]


Public-sector organizations in APO member economies are under pressure to enhance service quality while maintaining accountability, transparency, and productivity. Good governance and new public management have [Read More]


This publication presents the highlights of the discussions at the International Conference on the Centrality of Productivity in June 2021 as part of the 60th Anniversary [Read More]


This publication highlights the role that productivity and the APO has played in the Asia-Pacific since its inception in 1961. It marks the organization’s Diamond Jubilee [Read More]


A comprehensive review, with numerous graphs and tables, of 50 years of the productivity movement in the Asia-Pacific by more than 40 experts plus their visions [Read More]


The Seven D approach to develop community capacity, which views a community as both the object of development and the most important actor in the process, [Read More]


This compendium is the result of a year of benchmarking among NPOs participating in the APO’s Best Practice Network, focusing on organizational excellence in SMEs (three [Read More]


Along with a sprinkling of classic success stories from elsewhere, this volume mainly introduces Japanese niche marketing successes in a witty, friendly style that all can [Read More]

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The third volume in the series features best practices in measuring the impact of business excellence approaches, key performance indicators for SMEs, and public service excellence [Read More]


This compendium documents the APO Best Practice Network (BPN) learning-and-sharing phase. The case studies from APO members Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand plus Australia [Read More]


Appropriate land-use planning requires that slopelands be classified with the integrated use of technologies like GIS, remote sensing, and 3D mapping, preferably combined with local knowledge, [Read More]

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