What We Do » APO COE on Smart Manufacturing

APO COE on Smart Manufacturing

During its 61st session, the APO Governing Body unanimously endorsed the proposal of setting up a new COE on Smart Manufacturing (SM) in the China Productivity Center (CPC). The COE on SM provides leadership in facilitating industry upgrading among all APO member countries, identifying the best smart technology and automation adoption methods, and improving production efficiency.

Key Objectives

  1. Assisting APO MCs in upgrading their industries and seeking ways to introduce smart and automated equipment.
  2. Increasing international publicity through experience sharing by the experts.
  3. Connecting smart-manufacturing cities by introducing smart manufacturing and enhancing both productivity and additional value. 
Think Tank
The APO conducts research on emerging needs of members for their follow-up and for determining appropriate assistance to them.
The APO promotes bilateral and multilateral alliances among members and between them and others outside the APO region for collaboration in productivity-related activities for mutual benefit.
The APO surveys the economic and development policies and performance of each member and assists in formulating strategic changes for enhanced productivity and competitiveness.
The APO strengthens the capability of the National Productivity Organizations (NPOs) and other institutions to provide productivity promotion, training, and consultancy services to the public and private sectors.
The APO facilitates the dissemination and exchange of information on productivity among its members and other stakeholders.
Regional Adviser
Institution Builder
Clearinghouse for Productivity Information
Five Key Roles of the APO
2nd Asian Productivity Congress is held in Hong Kong to mark the APO’s 20th anniversary.

For the first time, APO Award was conferred to nine individuals.

Marked the completion of two decades of APO operation.
Bangladesh joins the APO.
Malaysia joins the APO.
Fiji joins the APO.
The APO Awards are renamed the APO Regional Awards, and the APO National Awards are introduced.

The first Top Management Forum was implemented in Japan.
The APO’s 25th anniversary is marked with an International Productivity Congress in
Kuala Lumpur.
The Productivity Fellowship launched.
1st Strategic Planning Committee meeting is hosted by the Secretariat.
Basic Research V on Human Resources Development in the 1990s is started.

Five individuals receive the APO National Award and two the Regional Award.
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