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The APO Annual Program is the lineup of multicountry and individual-country projects approved by the Governing Body to be implemented by the APO in collaboration with NPOs each year. The projects are developed with NPOs, and funding is provided through membership contributions and special grants. The APO also cooperates with other international organizations in implementing some projects.
APO projects cover the industry, service, agriculture, and public sectors. They are designed to provide practical training, share best practices and innovations, and promote knowledge development. Projects can either be multicountry or for an individual country. Participants in APO activities represent diverse groups of productivity stakeholders in member economies. They are expected to create multiplier effects by disseminating their newly acquired knowledge and understanding to others in their home countries.
APO projects are open to nationals of APO members only. Participation in APO projects is determined by NPOs. If you are selected for an APO project, the Guide for Participants provides introductory information and helps you to maximize the benefits from the project.
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