The APO » success_story

MFCA leads the way to sustainable operations

When the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) kicked off a demo project on the efficient use of resources to improve [Read More]

An APO demonstration project in India created the new approach “Green Lean (GLEAN)” to integrate lean manufacturing and material flow cost accounting.

On his first visit [Read More]

How MFCA paved the way for higher productivity in two APO demo companies in Bangladesh.

Leather and leather goods is Bangladesh’s second-largest export sector. While that’s [Read More]

After months of working on the Asian Productivity Organization (APO)-backed off-grid solar PV training project in Indonesia, it was finally time for the first trial run. [Read More]

A demonstration project showed how smart solutions in MSMEs yield multiple benefits while cutting costs.

The Indian automotive industry, with deep linkages to multiple subsectors [Read More]

APO training and NPS aid helped Wijeya Newspapers take up the energy conservation drive that curbed spending by 9.4% in a year.

The chief operating officer [Read More]

Somchay Soulitham shares how learning from an APO session helps her offer better consultancy to SMEs in Lao PDR.

If Somchay Soulitham were the kind of [Read More]

Perseverance, and a slew of APO tools, helped Amrish Narayan to rapidly build his mark as an accomplished consultant and trainer.

It was the hunger to [Read More]

“The mothers on our estate won’t go to the hospital to deliver their babies but you bother me to take you to the hospital,” a Sri [Read More]

At the start of the new millennium, as Cambodia’s economy began welcoming the gradual emergence of SMEs, a young entrepreneur spied a largely untapped market space

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